Starting a new business can be an exciting and scary adventure. And while you might have lofty dreams and aspirations about how successful your business will be in the future, it can be hard to know how to get there when you’re starting from the bottom rung of the ladder. You need advice and assistance on how to start up and then how to grow. This advice can come from the many sites online like Salesforce who will help you do just this – and accepting help and being open to learning is one of the most important qualities to have as a business and a business owner.
Luckily, with some good strategizing and a little bit of luck, you can quickly get people learning about your business and eager to become some of your first customers or clients. To help you see how this can be done, we’ve teamed up with the marketing gurus at Brand Stories to lay out the three simple ways to begin spreading the word about your new business.
Team Up With Influencers
Because your business is still young, all aspects relating to your business are also still young as well, including your social media followings. And while using social media can be a great boon to your business, if you don’t have anyone following you, it’s not really going to do you much good.
One way you can combat this, according to Jennifer Lonoff Schiff, a contributor to, is to team up with influencers. Influencers are people who already have big followings through their social media accounts. By offering these influencers free product or some other type of exchange if they’ll mention your business or product, you could get so many new eyes on your business and see it grow exponentially in just a short period of time.
Get Your Face And Name Out There As Much As Possible
To successfully spread the word about your new business, you have to give people the chance to see and recognize you. One of the best ways to do this is to get the name and face of your company out there as much as you possibly can.
According to Janet Attard, a contributor to, this can be done both physically and through the Internet. If there are community events or industry groups that you can take part in, make sure you’re doing so. And as you spend the time growing your online presence through social media, make sure you’re being an active participant in any discussions relating to your field or market.
Find Ways To Get Good Publicity
With a new business, it can be helpful to find ways to get yourself into the eyes of the public through good publicity. Susan Ward, a contributor to The Balance Small Business, shares that many businesses get positive publicity through acts of charity or sponsoring some type of event. While you might not think you have much to give yet, any way you can help others could be a good chance to gain some good publicity.
If you’re wanting to spread the word about your new business but aren’t quite sure how, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you do just that.
Hey, I’m Rory and I am the ultimate accidental geek.
Born in London I was never interested in technologies until I started a part-time job at Apple and now I can’t get enough. Join me as a help you navigate the world of tech with some of my fellow geeks.