Online vs Real Casino Blackjack

If you love playing blackjack and are weighing the decision between going to the casino or playing online, you’ve come to the right place. There are pros and cons to either, and it’s a good idea to consider them before jumping in.


First, think about distance, is there a casino near you? If not, this point is mute as the cost of transporting yourself back and forth whenever you feel the urge to play a hand may not be worth it. Besides transport, you may also pay for refreshments while you are there, so before considering making offline your sole way of playing first check your finances to see if it’s a viable option.

Playing blackjack in a real casino does come with the atmosphere of other gamblers joking around and the access to your favourite cocktail. The mood that comes with a night of fortune is certainly rewarding as it becomes a special occasion.

When playing in real life you need to be very familiar in your strategy as you can’t hit pause to quickly research “blackjack strategy” on Google. There are other players and the dealer himself that is waiting for you to make your move. If you’re a skilled player that is well-versed in the game and its strategies, then the pressure could improve your gameplay as the serious atmosphere allows you to remain focused while you casually sip your Gin and tonic.


When it comes to playing online, your travel and food expenses include rolling out of bed and walking to the fridge. The convenience of online play is a big selling point as being able to play anytime and anywhere is a big perk. The online casino is always open whether it’s during business hours or two in the morning. There are plenty of online casino sites like

Playing online also takes the pressure off you, as there are no other players around to make you feel pressured into making a move. Online blackjack allows you to take your time as you can pause the game anytime you like, which can be especially useful if you wish to look over your strategy tables or if you just need a bathroom break. The pause feature is a huge help to new players while they are taking the time to learn the ropes.

When you are able to visit online casinos like OXI NZ to play blackjack, you will find that it provides you with freedom when it comes to which version of the game you would like to play. At the casino, you have to compromise and play a variety of blackjack that they offer. Whereas, if you prefer a specific type of gameplay, you will be able to find it online.

Online blackjack’s advantages outweigh those of land-based blackjack. The convenience and lack of expenses have made this way of playing the winner in the online vs. offline question. With the research at your fingertips, you can sit back and enjoy your homemade cocktail and play at your own pace. The mood and atmosphere are outweighed by the pros of staying home.

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