Support Your Online Marketing Efforts With These Offline Strategies

Even though digital marketing is a must in 2017, there is no reason whatsoever why this strategy should be used on its own. Because of the veil of anonymity that shrouds everyone in the digital world, people are growing more and more suspicious about who is on the other end of the line. Their first, logical assumption is that they are talking to a spam-bot and not a real human being. In order to approach them on a more personal level and gain their trust online as well as offline, you might want to turn to traditional marketing once again. Whether that’s by starting to use physical adverts like posters again, or even finding corporate gifts suppliers Singapore based or similar, there are so many traditional marketing strategies you can employ to help reach your customers on a more personal level. Here are a few other offline strategies you could use to support your online marketing efforts and gain optimal results for your business.

1. Invest in business cards

A real-life encounter with a potential client, 9 out of 10 times ends with a contact exchange. Traditionally, this always involves you handing them out your business card, which is a direction you might want to take once more. On a traditional business card, you would have your name, the address of your company, your position in the company and contact info. All you have to do here is add the domain name of your company’s website, blog and your company’s name on social networks. Still, you must first learn how to design a business card so that it gets noticed.

2. Get your logo everywhere

Aside from business cards, your online brand can also benefit from showing off your logo offline. By putting your logo on things people use every day, you’ll make those people who wear or use them your walking advertisements. Even better if you use a company that specializes in your field. For example, breweries can look here to get custom embroidery products specifically made for their niche. They can look great as well as making you some extra profit through sales. Your safest bet for this type of marketing is usually clothing items like hats or T-shirts as these are easily made. You can even do surprisingly well with promotional umbrellas. Some business owners also like to print their logo on the side of their company vehicles to promote their business wherever they go.

3. Get involved in the community

Another great idea for driving some attention your way lies in getting involved in issues of your local community. You can offer sponsorship to a local team, prizes for a local contest or even a specific discount for a local group or organization. By doing so, you will show everyone that your business is a part of that particular community and as such, concerned with all the issues they hold dear. Keep in mind, however, that being a local business doesn’t hold you back from going global later on.

4. Telemarketing

In the introduction, we’ve mentioned that one of the major concerns people have with online advertising lies in the fact that they have no way of knowing who is on the other end of the line. Well, with the help of telemarketing you can provide them with a more personal approach to this scenario. By being able to hear the person on the other end, they will know that they are talking to a real human being. Needless to say, telemarketing is one of the most effective means of B2B outreach, because it seems like a much more professional approach.


Even though you should still focus on your online marketing, each of these methods may help boost its reach, efficiency or just overall success rate. At the same time, online platforms like Amazon are constantly updating policies to foster fair competition while keeping the focus on seller authenticity. That said, enriching your understanding about innovative online business techniques can prove quite useful in the long run. If you are an online seller, then nuggets of knowledge available on and similar online resources could benefit your enterprise.

Finally, keep in mind that not all demographics are equally represented online (baby boomers, for instance). This means that combining traditional marketing with a digital one might open up a lot of new prosperous markets for your business.

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