3 Reasons Why Your E-Commerce Store Needs App Integration

You have probably already heard about the importance of ‘app integration,’ but it can be a challenge to assess just how essential it has become. The growing number of available business apps on the market means that your business has most likely already started using a number of them across your corporate structure. The good news is that no matter how many apps your e-commerce store uses, the most popular and useful ones are cloud-based, meaning that integration is much easier to achieve than you might have assumed.

By enabling your standalone apps to communicate with one another seamlessly, you can provide a much more satisfying consumer experience and make the best use of the apps available. Here’s why you need to consider optimizing your app integration now.


Manually updating the data from one app to another is not only laborious, it’s also a massive drain on your time management and resources. Having an app integration tool such as Grouparoo can reduce time significantly, and even automates much of the hard work for you, leaving you free to concentrate on other essential tasks. If your app integration seems too challenging to address by yourself or even in-house, then it’s worth using businesses that specialize in optimizing your e-commerce store, with blackbeltcommerce.com acting as a good example of a full-service provider. Taking the time to integrate your apps across the board will free up your own time and allow you to make the most of your e-commerce outlet.

Reduces the chance of human error

If you’re still manually transferring data across your apps, then you probably already have some idea of what the ‘human error factor’ can result in. While it may be essential to do, by giving the process to employees (or even doing the task yourself), this mundane task will pretty much always include an error along the way. App integration, when managed correctly, reduces the possibility for human error and streamlines your data faster than humans are capable of. A real-world scenario could be something as simple as sending a prompt email to a repeat customer about a product that they have already purchased from you, and by integrating your apps, you reduce the risks of this annoyance occurring.

Hard work and huge costs

There’s a prevailing myth that app integration is a complicated task that will require large cash investment to achieve, but that hasn’t been the case for a number of years. As the use of business apps continues to grow, there is an awareness among developers that their products need to be low-cost and simple to integrate, and that’s why it has become simpler to achieve in recent years. The apps themselves require little in terms of technical know-how, and their integration can be achieved with very little time-waste and certainly none of the huge costs that were considered normal even a decade ago.

The best business apps will provide you with the means to make your website and the consumer experience as smooth and seamless as possible. The fact that apps have become not only ubiquitous but also simpler to manage, means that there’s simply no reason why you shouldn’t be looking closely at the possibilities and realizing that app integration is not merely a thing to hope for, but an easy to achieve reality that will drive your business forward.

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