Review – Xbox One X vs PS4 Pro

Xbox vs Playstation

One of the hardest decision that gamers have faced within recent times is choosing which next generation console to invest in. With consoles being expensive, setting you back anything up to 400 when they are first released, it’s not as feasible to buy both, because no one really has a spare 1000 lying about to […]

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Computer Gaming – What is Steam?

Computer gaming

If you’re new or unfamiliar with computer gaming and don’t really know where to start, then Steam is a service that has pretty much everything you need when it comes to setting up your gaming library. It is one of the most popular gaming services for online PC gamers and allows you to download games […]

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Mobile Phone games: Are they worth it?

The mobile phone has been a gaming platform since everyone was addicted to Snake on the Nokia 3310. Since smartphones came around and technology advanced to colour and touch screens, gaming changed but people are still apprehensive when it comes to downloading and playing games, especially when some games available on the app store can […]

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